I have some code below that is a CTE looking at a view Within a CTE within a CTE. i trying to re code this ( not my code) to have a view look at a view so i can use in a application that dose not support CTEs
; WITH C1 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, ts, Type ,e=CASE Type WHEN 1 THEN NULL ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK, Type ORDER BY LTOdteVacatingDate) END ,s=CASE Type WHEN -1 THEN NULL ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK, Type ORDER BY LTOdteOccupiedDate) END ,se=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK ORDER BY ts, Type DESC) FROM dav.LTOwCompany CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (1, LTOdteOccupiedDate), (-1, LTOdteVacatingDate)) a(Type, ts) ), C3 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, ts ,grpnm=FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK ORDER BY ts)-1) / 2 + 1) FROM C1 WHERE COALESCE(s-(se-s)-1, (se-e)-e) = 0), -- C1, C2, C3, C4 combined remove the overlapping date periods C4 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, datestart=MIN(ts), dateend=MAX(ts) FROM C3 GROUP BY CTenancyPK, grpnm, CdblRentalAmount) SELECT qryAddress.Address, CTenancyPK, VoidDateStart=MIN(newdate), VoidDateEnd=MAX(newdate),CdblRentalAmount,VoidCost = (CdblRentalAmount * 12 / 365) * case when '2018-04-01' between MIN(newdate) and MAX(newdate) then datediff(dd,'2018-04-01',MAX(newdate)+1) else datediff(dd,MIN(newdate),MAX(newdate)+1) end , case when '2018-04-01' between MIN(newdate) and MAX(newdate) then datediff(dd,'2018-04-01',MAX(newdate)+1) else datediff(dd,MIN(newdate),MAX(newdate)+1) end as NoDays FROM ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, newdate ,rn=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK ORDER BY newdate) / 2 FROM C4 a CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (datestart-1),(dateend+1)) b(newdate) ) a Join Tenancy on Tenancy.TenancyPK = CTenancyPK Join Property on Property.PropertyPK = Tenancy.PropertyFK Join qryAddress on qryAddress.AddressPK = Property.AddressFK GROUP BY Address,CTenancyPK, rn, CdblRentalAmount HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 and MAX(newdate) >= '2018-04-01' ORDER BY CTenancyPK, Voiddatestart;
I want to see is something like this
SELECT qryAddress.Address, CTenancyPK, VoidDateStart=MIN(newdate), VoidDateEnd=MAX(newdate),CdblRentalAmount,VoidCost = (CdblRentalAmount * 12 / 365) * case when '2018-04-01' between MIN(newdate) and MAX(newdate) then datediff(dd,'2018-04-01',MAX(newdate)+1) else datediff(dd,MIN(newdate),MAX(newdate)+1) end , case when '2018-04-01' between MIN(newdate) and MAX(newdate) then datediff(dd,'2018-04-01',MAX(newdate)+1) else datediff(dd,MIN(newdate),MAX(newdate)+1) end as NoDays FROM Dav.LTOvLTO -- New view that dose the CTE calculation and looks at Dav.LTOwCompany Join Tenancy on Tenancy.TenancyPK = CTenancyPK Join Property on Property.PropertyPK = Tenancy.PropertyFK Join qryAddress on qryAddress.AddressPK = Property.AddressFK GROUP BY Address,CTenancyPK, rn, CdblRentalAmount HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 and MAX(newdate) >= '2018-04-01' ORDER BY CTenancyPK, Voiddatestart;
You can use CTEs with views:
CREATE VIEW v AS WITH C1 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, ts, Type ,e=CASE Type WHEN 1 THEN NULL ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK, Type ORDER BY LTOdteVacatingDate) END ,s=CASE Type WHEN -1 THEN NULL ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK, Type ORDER BY LTOdteOccupiedDate) END ,se=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK ORDER BY ts, Type DESC) FROM dav.LTOwCompany CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (1, LTOdteOccupiedDate), (-1, LTOdteVacatingDate)) a(Type, ts) ), C3 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, ts ,grpnm=FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CTenancyPK ORDER BY ts)-1) / 2 + 1) FROM C1 WHERE COALESCE(s-(se-s)-1, (se-e)-e) = 0), -- C1, C2, C3, C4 combined remove the overlapping date periods C4 AS ( SELECT CTenancyPK,CdblRentalAmount, datestart=MIN(ts), dateend=MAX(ts) FROM C3 GROUP BY CTenancyPK, grpnm, CdblRentalAmount) SELECT * FROM c4;