I’m storing CLOBs in Oracle. To speed up finding identical CLOBs, I’d like to introduce a hash value of the CLOBs. What I tried so far is
- UPDATE the hash value based on the stored clob.
How can this be done in one operation instead of two?
#!/usr/local/bin/python3 import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger@localhost:1512/ORCLPDB1', encoding="UTF-8") cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id NUMBER, script CLOB, script_hash RAW(32))") my_text = '$'*2**10 statement = "INSERT INTO t (id, script) VALUES (:my_id, :my_clob)" cursor.execute(statement, (1, my_text)) statement = """ UPDATE t SET script_hash = DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(script, 2) WHERE id = :my_id""" cursor.execute(statement, {'my_id': 1}) con.commit() con.close()
This doesn’t work:
statement = """ INSERT INTO t (id, script, script_hash) VALUES (:my_id, :my_clob, DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(:my_clob, 2))""" cursor.execute(statement, (2, my_text, my_text)) # cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-01465: invalid hex number
(Oracle 12.2 using Python and cx_Oracle 6.3)
This works for me, admittedly with Oracle 11g XE (and cx_Oracle 6.3.1):
statement = """ DECLARE l_clob CLOB := :my_clob; BEGIN INSERT INTO t (id, script, script_hash) VALUES (:my_id, l_clob, DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(l_clob, 2)); END;""" cursor.execute(statement, (my_text, 2))
I couldn’t reproduce your error ORA-01465: invalid hex number
with your doesn’t-work code: my 11g XE database gave me the error ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column