Student Table
SID Name
1 A
2 B
3 C
Marks Table
id mark subject
1 50 physics
2 40 biology
1 50 chemistry
3 30 mathematics
SELECT distinct(std.id),std.name,m.mark, row_number() over() as rownum FROM
student std JOIN marks m ON std.id=m.id AND m.mark=50
This result is 2 times A even after using disticnt . My expected result will have only one A. if i remove row_number() over() as rownum its working fine. Why this is happening ? how to resolve. AM using DB2!!
There are two rows in marks Table with id = 1 and mark = 50.. So you will get two rows in the output for each row in student table… If you only want one, you have to do a group By
SELECT std.id, std.name, m.mark, row_number()
over() as rownum
FROM student std
JOIN marks m
ON m.id=std.id AND m.mark=50
Group By std.id, std.name, m.mark