I have a pyspark dataframe with 2 columns – id and count. I want to add a ranking to this by reverse count. So the highest count has rank 1, second highest rank 2, etc.
testDF = spark.createDataFrame([(DJS232,437232)], [“id”, “count”])
I first tried using
from pyspark.sql import functions as F testDF.withColumn('rank', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
and this worked, ish. It had monotonically increasing id numbers but the jump from the first to the second was quite large.
+-------+-----+-----------+ | id|count| rank| +-------+-----+-----------+ |ABDSDS | 1401| 0| |FJKSDF2| 691| 8589934592| |DJSKJ | 436|17179869184| |FKLDFKL| 368|25769803776| +-------+-----+-----------+
Then I tried getting the max count from the count column and creating another column that was max-count. I thought this would be OK because the counts are not too variable and I don’t care about ties.
maxCount = testDF.agg({"count": "max"}).collect()[0] outputDF = testDF.withColumn('rank', maxCount[0]-testDF['count'])
This worked, almost. But I found that there was at least one value where the value was negative, meaning that max didn’t get the max. (Also, I can hear my boss saying ‘that is rather hacky’)
I also tried row_count()
but this caused a Java error.
Any ideas for a clean solution? The dataset is rather small, and will have max 6000 records and will eventually be inserted into an SQL database.
Try using the Window functions to create a row_number column ordered by the count column.
In this case, the window won´t be partitioned by any column since there is no aggregation but it needs to be ordered.
Maybe this will help
from pyspark.sql.window import Window window = Window.orderBy('count') testDF.withColumn('rank', row_number().over(window))