How do I select rows that are not recent and are different from the last entry? We recognize the differences by context field.
My example DB:
CREATE TABLE duel ( id int, title varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE try ( id int, duel_id int, context varchar(255), recent tinyint(1), PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (duel_id) REFERENCES duel(id) ); INSERT INTO duel (id,title) VALUES (1,"1"),(2,"2"),(3,"3"),(4,"4"); INSERT INTO try (id,duel_id,context,recent) VALUES (1,1,"a",0),(2,1,"a",0),(3,1,"a",1),(4,2,"a",0),(5,2,"b",0), (6,2,"b",1),(7,3,"a",0),(8,3,"a",0),(9,3,"b",1),(10,4,"c",0), (11,4,"a",0),(12,4,"c",1);
I would like to retrieve from try table
rows with id: 4, 7, 8 and 11.
I tried the following:
SELECT * FROM try WHERE recent != 1 AND (SELECT context FROM try WHERE recent = 1) != context;
But I have got the following error:
ERROR 1242 (21000) at line 120: Subquery returns more than 1 row
I don’t know how to deal with it. Maybe there is a solution other than subqueries?
Solution for your problem: (For MySQL 5.7)
SELECT id,duel_id,context,recent FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN @cntxt = context AND @did = duel_id AND recent = 0 THEN @cur WHEN @cntxt = context AND @did = duel_id AND recent = 1 THEN (@cur := 1) WHEN (@cntxt := context) IS NOT NULL AND (@did := duel_id) IS NOT NULL AND (@cur := recent) IS NOT NULL THEN recent END as flag FROM try, (SELECT @cur := 0, @cntxt := Null, @did := Null) r ORDER BY duel_id, context,recent DESC ) as t WHERE flag = 0 ORDER BY id;
Solution for your problem: (For MySQL 8.0+)
WITH CT1 AS ( SELECT *, SUM(recent) OVER(PARTITION BY duel_id, context ORDER BY recent DESC) as rn FROM try ) SELECT id, duel_id, context, recent FROM CT1 WHERE rn = 0 ORDER BY id;