I have a table with birthdates and I want to select all the birthdays that will come in the next 30 days.
The situation is, that all the birthdays are written in the form off 1999-09-15 which means that even if I tried selecting the next 30 days, the birthdays wouldn’t show up because the year is 1999.
I am running Microsoft Server 2016.
SELECT * from dbo.EMPLOYEES WHERE DATE <= DATEADD(day, +30,GETDATE()) and DATE >= getdate() order by "DATE"
To get the birthdate, we need to work only on the days and the months, not on the year. Thats why we cannot get Where date between 2 dates.
SELECT dateofbirth_c AS BIRTHDAY ,FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,EMP.dateofbirth_c,GETDATE()) / 365.25) AS AGE_NOW ,FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,EMP.dateofbirth_c,GETDATE()+30) / 365.25) AS AGE_30_Days_FROM_NOW FROM Employees EMP WHERE 1 = (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,EMP.dateofbirth_c,GETDATE()+30) / 365.25)) - (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,EMP.dateofbirth_c,GETDATE()) / 365.25))