How do I modify my SQL Statement so each Project has 4 unique judges and each Judge evenly judges the same number of projects for their assigned division and category?
Population Project needs to be reviewed by Population Judge (x) times. x = 4
- Each Project is grouped by Division and Category.
Each Judge is grouped by Division and Category.
Each Project must be reviewed by (x) unique Judges.
- Each Judge should never review the same project twice.
- Each Judge should be assigned an equal number of projects to review as the other judges in their division and category grouping.
Sample Source Judge Table
create table judges(judge_id, division, category) as (
select 68, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 19, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 22, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 32, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 33, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 37, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 38, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 40, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 47, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 62, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 63, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 13, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 36, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 55, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 59, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 60, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 9, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 10, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 48, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 11, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 21, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 23, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 26, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 31, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 80, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 14, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 15, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 24, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 29, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 30, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 43, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 53, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 56, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 57, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 58, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 65, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 67, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 69, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 8, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 18, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 20, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 35, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 66, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 39, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 70, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 71, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 74, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 6, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 44, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 45, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 49, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 61, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 64, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 72, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 75, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 79, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 82, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual
Sample Source Project Table
create table projects(project_id, division, category) as (
select 39, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 40, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 47, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 48, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 56, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 57, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 58, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 60, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 65, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 66, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 93, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 94, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 97, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 104, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 105, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 107, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 110, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 112, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 114, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 117, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 120, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 121, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 123, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 124, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 126, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 127, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 128, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 133, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 134, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 136, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 140, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 142, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 152, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 153, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 162, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 167, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 173, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 174, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 188, 'Elementary', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 27, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 67, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 82, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 83, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 99, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 113, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 115, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 149, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 164, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 169, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 185, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 189, 'Junior', 'EC' from dual union all
select 18, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 19, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 20, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 21, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 23, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 24, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 26, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 28, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 29, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 30, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 78, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 80, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 90, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 91, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 106, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 144, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 150, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 151, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 156, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 157, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 159, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 161, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 165, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 166, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 168, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 178, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 180, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 187, 'Junior', 'LS' from dual union all
select 22, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 59, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 61, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 74, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 81, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 95, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 96, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 116, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 145, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 148, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 158, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 160, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 172, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 176, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 181, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 186, 'Junior', 'PE' from dual union all
select 14, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 15, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 42, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 43, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 44, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 45, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 46, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 49, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 51, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 52, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 53, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 54, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 75, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 76, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 77, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 92, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 108, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 118, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 119, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 125, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 131, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 132, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 135, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 137, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 138, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 139, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 141, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 143, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 146, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 154, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual union all
select 171, 'Senior', 'ANY' from dual
Oracle SQL Code
,row_number() over(
partition by project.project_id
order by dbms_random.value
) as best_match
from frsf_fair.project_division_category project
left join (
,row_number() over(
partition by division
order by dbms_random.value
) as r
from frsf_fair.judge_division_category
) judge on project.division = judge.division
and project.category = judge.category
) assignment
where best_match <= 4
Data Output Example
14 Senior ANY 72 1
14 Senior ANY 74 2
14 Senior ANY 20 3
14 Senior ANY 44 4
15 Senior ANY 79 1
15 Senior ANY 39 2
15 Senior ANY 75 3
15 Senior ANY 20 4
18 Junior LS 23 1
18 Junior LS 31 2
18 Junior LS 26 3
18 Junior LS 21 4
The number of count(*)/projects should be distributed evenly among the Division and Category for a pool a judge. Instead, some judges are assigned to 20 projects while others are assigned to very few. I don’t know how to modify my query so each judge must be reference an equal number of times amongst the Project Division and Category grouping. I want to ensure equal participation.
64 8
72 16
23 20
57 4
14 4
6 4
58 9
I came up with a solution utilizing procedures in my Oracle database.
My approach was to loop through each project id. While inside my loop it would loop 1 to the number of assignments I required, in this case, 4.
We needed to pull out a random judge id from a list of judges by a count of how many assignments they have already been given in ascending order. I wanted to use the lowest number of assignments first.
Their assignment count if bumped +1
We update the values in the final list table
We loop until the number of assignments by project is given and then the next project is assessed.
create or replace procedure random_judge_project_list as
assign_count number := 0;
next_count number := 1;
assignments number := 4;
jid number;
sql_stmt varchar2(4000);
location varchar2(20);
execute immediate 'truncate table judge_project_list';
execute immediate 'update judge_assignment_count set assignment_count = 0';
/*We First Need to Loop through Each Project*/
for project in (
,category as source_category
,case division
when 'Junior' then category
else 'ANY'
end as category
from projects a
order by division asc, category asc
/*While Looping we then need to assign judges randomly*/
for assign in 1 .. assignments
select judge_id
into jid
select *
from judge_assignment_count
where division = project.division
and judge_id not in (select judge_id from judge_project_list where project_id = project.project_id)
order by assignment_count asc, dbms_random.random asc
) where rownum = 1
select assignment_count
into assign_count
from judge_assignment_count
where judge_id = jid
and rownum = 1
next_count := assign_count + 1;
--execute immediate sql_stmt into jid;
insert into judge_project_list (project_id, judge_id, division, category) values (project.project_id, jid, project.division, project.category);
execute immediate 'update judge_assignment_count set assignment_count = ' || next_count || ' where judge_id = ' || jid;
end loop;
end loop;