I’m leaving out all the cursor setup and the SELECT from the temp table for brevity. Basically, this code computes a running balance for all transactions per transaction.
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN set @balance = @balance+@amount insert into @tblArTran values ( --from artran table @artranid, @trandate, @type, @checkNumber, @refNumber,@custid, @amount, @taxAmount, @balance, @postedflag, @modifieddate ) FETCH NEXT FROM artranCursor into @artranid, @trandate, @type, @checkNumber, @refNumber, @amount, @taxAmount,@postedFlag,@custid, @modifieddate END
Inspired by this code from an answer to another question,
SELECT @nvcConcatenated = @nvcConcatenated + C.CompanyName + ', ' FROM tblCompany C WHERE C.CompanyID IN (1,2,3)
I was wondering if SQL had the ability to sum numbers in the same way it’s concatonating strings, if you get my meaning. That is, to create a “running balance” per row, without using a cursor.
Is it possible?
You might want to take a look at the update to local variable solution here: http://geekswithblogs.net/Rhames/archive/2008/10/28/calculating-running-totals-in-sql-server-2005—the-optimal.aspx
DECLARE @SalesTbl TABLE (DayCount smallint, Sales money, RunningTotal money) DECLARE @RunningTotal money SET @RunningTotal = 0 INSERT INTO @SalesTbl SELECT DayCount, Sales, null FROM Sales ORDER BY DayCount UPDATE @SalesTbl SET @RunningTotal = RunningTotal = @RunningTotal + Sales FROM @SalesTbl SELECT * FROM @SalesTbl
Outperforms all other methods, but has some doubts about guaranteed row order. Seems to work fine when temp table is indexed though..
- Nested sub-query 9300 ms
- Self join 6100 ms
- Cursor 400 ms
- Update to local variable 140 ms