I have already looked at the answers on How can I add text to SQL Column. However, I am not sure how to add the text I want to the end of the text that is already stored in the column. Can anyone help? I am using SQL
In supported versions of SQL Server you can employ one of two options:
SELECT foo + 'some text' FROM bar;
SELECT CONCAT(foo, 'some text') FROM bar;
Persisting that change to the table can be done with an UPDATE
that sets the column value to the concatenated value like so:
UPDATE bar SET foo = CONCAT(foo, 'some text');
Note that executing this update without a WHERE
clause will change data in all the rows of your table and should likely not be done – always strive to define a WHERE
clause on your UPDATES
And a note to improve you question quality: “SQL” is a generic term for a language (the Structured Query Language) that has standard specifications that have been implemented in (sometimes very) different ways by different vendors. Please try to be specific about the RDBMS and version that you are working with, as any given answer may vary substantially depending upon the vendor.