I’ve a table of prices With Reference, Price Category (Ex professional/Customer…) , the weight and the price Each article have X lines for same Reference, Price Category depend of weight I Want a return with Reference, Price Category, Price1,Price2… I try to adapt codes I’ve found but I’ve a problem to linked weight and named columns PRIX1,PRIX2…
declare @MAxcols as int DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX)=''; /*max of differents price=max columns dynamic to add*/ set @Maxcols = (select max(NBLignes) from (select count(*) as NBLignes FROM [Z_TARIFS_VENTE] as Results GROUP BY AR_REF,Cat_Prx) as tmp) /*Build all dynamic columns */ DECLARE @cnt INT = 0; WHILE @cnt < @Maxcols BEGIN SET @cols = @cols + 'PRIX' + cast(@cnt+1 as nvarchar(3)) + ',' SET @cnt = @cnt + 1; END SET @cols=LEFT(@cols, LEN(@cols) - 1)/*remove last , = 'PRIX1,PRIX2,PRIX3...PRIXX'*/ DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @query = 'SELECT [AR_Ref], [Cat_Prx], ' + @cols + ' FROM ( Select [AR_Ref], [Cat_Prx], [weight] , [PRIX] From [Z_TARIFS_VENTE] ) t PIVOT ( Sum(PRIX) FOR weight IN( ' + @cols + ' )' +/* Here my problem*/ ' ) AS p; '; Execute(@query);
I don’t want have each weight in separate column but only classify on Prix1, prix2…
Finally… Force to try I create a view on my table With row number based on my group by
AND In a stored procedure
declare @MAxcols as int set @Maxcols = (select max(NBLignes) from (select count(*) as NBLignes FROM [Z_TARIFS_VENTE] as Results GROUP BY AR_REF,EG_Enumere,TQ_RefCF) as tmp) DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @query ='SELECT [AR_Ref], [EG_Enumere],[TQ_RefCF]' DECLARE @cnt INT = 1; WHILE @cnt < @Maxcols + 1 BEGIN SET @query = @query + ',CASE WHEN IdxRow=' + CAST(@cnt as nvarchar(3)) + ' THEN PRIX ELSE NULL END AS PRIX' + CAST(@cnt as nvarchar(3)) SET @cnt = @cnt + 1; END SET @query = @query + ' FROM Z_TARIFS_VENTE_ROWNUM' EXECUTE sp_executesql @query
Now I just need to group by and on each added column put Max(Prix1) as prix1 ,…always using a variable string