Sorry for the bad title, I need to improve on how to explain my problem better, obviously. I’m practicing queries on the Adventure Works data in SQL server, and I queried such as:
SELECT a.City, pc.Name, COUNT(pc.Name) AS 'Count' FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS oh JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail AS od ON oh.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID JOIN SalesLT.Product AS p ON od.ProductID = p.ProductID JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory AS pc ON p.ProductCategoryID = pc.ProductCategoryID JOIN SalesLT.Address AS a ON oh.ShipToAddressID = a.AddressID GROUP BY a.City, pc.Name ORDER BY a.City;
Which gives:
City Name Count ---- ------ ------ Abingdon Cleaners 7 Abingdon Vests 16 Abingdon Pedals 29 Alhambra Jersey 44 Alhambra Vests 16 Auburn Hydration Packs 7 Auburn Derailleurs 8
And I’m trying to only get the largest count item, expected output looks like this:
City Name Count ---- ------ ------ Abingdon Pedals 29 Alhambra Jersey 44 Auburn Derailleurs 8
The max count for each city. Since I don’t have a sample dataset, so I’m not asking for the exact query, but can you give me some idea of what I should look into? I’ve been trying different ‘group by’s, but I always end up getting this far, but I can never move forward.
Also, the question was “Identify the three most important cities. Show the break down of top-level product category against the city.”, if possible, can you please share how you would approach this problem? I’ve been trying to improve my SQL skills, but I have a hard time writing a complex query. It would be greatly appreciated if you can share a tip to approach complex queries.
Any guidance on how I should approach this problem would be appreciated.
In this case you want to get the maximum value of count group by city, this can be achieve by using subquery.
here is some pseudo example for you to reference.
with cte as ( select '1' as id, '1' as val union all select '2' as id, '1' as val union all select '2' as id, '2' as val union all select '3' as id, '1' as val union all select '3' as id, '1' as val union all select '3' as id, '1' as val union all select '3' as id, '2' as val union all select '3' as id, '2' as val ), a as( select id,val,count(id) as cou from cte group by id,val ) select * from ( select *,max(cou) over(partition by id) as max_cou from a ) b where cou = max_cou
the first cte is just pseudo data and second cte a
is the part reference OP current query. rest is the solution.
here is the db<>fiddle link.
As I recall sql-server does not accept nested aggregate function, so subquery is a much easier approach.
If anyone have a way cleaner and simpler query I will be happy to see it too 😀