I would like to select one record if there are many status. example, if there is the same user and status A, B, C, select only record ‘A’. If there is the same user and status B, C, choose B, if there is only one status, bring that one.
User Name Status
123 | Alice | B
123 | Alice | A
123 | Alice | C
124 | Mark | C
125 | Jonh | B
126 | Pate | B
126 | Pate | C
expected RESULT
User Name Status
123 | Alice | A
124 | Mark | C
125 | Jonh | B
126 | Pate | B
Could anyone help to suggest? Thank you
group by
does what you need in that case, and it’s a bit easier than analytical functions:
select user, name, min(status) as status
from yourtable
group by user, name;