I have 5M records in eus table and 121 records in es table. I am doing a left join but the COUNT query is making my query very slow. How can I optimize this?
public static function getAllActiveEvaluationSymptomsWithNameForDataTable(){ $queryBuilder = new Builder(); $queryBuilder ->from(array('es' => static::class)) ->leftJoin('EvaluationUserSymptom', 'es.id = eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id','eus') ->columns('es.id, es.title, COUNT(eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id) AS counts') ->groupBy('eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id') ->where('es.is_active = 1'); return $queryBuilder; }
Raw query with Explain:
EXPLAIN SELECT es.id AS id, es.title AS title, COUNT(eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id) AS counts, eus.date_created AS date_created FROM eb_evaluation_symptom AS es LEFT JOIN eb_evaluation_user_symptom AS eus ON es.id = eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id WHERE es.is_active = 1 GROUP BY eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id;
Output of Explain:
Explain Visual View:
This full table scan of count is making the problem.
Note: All JOINs and necessary columns fields are having proper indexes.
A correlated subquery can be a fast method:
SELECT es.id, es.title, (select count(*) from eb_evaluation_user_symptom eus where es.id = eus.eb_evaluation_symptom_id ) as cnt FROM eb_evaluation_symptom es WHERE es.is_active = 1 ;
For performance, you want an index on eb_evaluation_user_symptom(eb_evaluation_symptom_id)
An index on eb_evaluation_symptom
won’t be of much help, because that table is so small.