I want to tell the user that a record was not deleted because it has child data, but how can I be sure that the exception was thrown because of a foreign key violation? I see that there a sqlexception class that is used for all sql exception.
Assume you’re using SQL Server.
Using teh web archive – https://web.archive.org/web/20190120182351/https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tomholl/2007/08/01/mapping-sql-server-errors-to-net-exceptions-the-fun-way/
try { # SQL Stuff } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Errors.Count > 0) // Assume the interesting stuff is in the first error { switch (ex.Errors[0].Number) { case 547: // Foreign Key violation throw new InvalidOperationException("Some helpful description", ex); break; case 2601: // Primary key violation throw new DuplicateRecordException("Some other helpful description", ex); break; default: throw new DataAccessException(ex); } } }
Case 547 is your man.
UPDATE The above is sample code and should not be used. Please follow the link as to explain why.