I am currently trying to make an nested query of some sort where it returns a set of rows which fulfills a particular set of requirements..
select * from entity
where id = (
select attribute_entity_id from attribute
where attribute_type_specification_id = (
select id from attribute_type_specification
where entity_internal_name = 'country'
order by entity_id
Though this returns error:
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
Which is true, but how i should make this call then? The inner select might return x number of id’s which are valid?
Is there a reason why you are using subselects to accomplish this?
The regular way to do this is with joins:
select e.*, ats.entity_internal_name
from entity e
join attribute a
on a.attribute_entity_id = e.id
join attribute_type_specification ats
on ats.id = a.attribute_type_specification_id
where ats.entity_internal_name = 'country'
order by e.entity_id