I’m trying to execute this query to get a list of all users, groups and emails, but my problem is when the user is not related to any group, so the column radcheck.id_group is = NULL, but I still want to list it.
SELECT radcheck.username AS username, group.name AS groupname, group.id as gid, useremail.email as email FROM useremail, group, radcheck WHERE radcheck.username = useremail.username AND group.id = radcheck.id_group;
How can I write it correctly?
Use explicit, LEFT JOIN
SELECT r.username AS username, g.name AS groupname, g.id as gid, u.email FROM useremail u LEFT JOIN radcheck r ON r.username = u.username LEFT JOIN group g ON g.id = r.id_group
It is also often a good practice to use table aliases: they make the query easier to read and maintain (and also allow self-joining tables when needed…).