I’ve seen several posts to get the percentage of each row (using partition by), others about getting one row divided by another (using inner join with the same table), but I haven’t seem this problem, so I hope this post is not a problem.
I have the following table:
week group ID
2020-01-07 A AUR1282
2020-01-07 A BSF9382
2020-01-07 A EOA9284
2020-01-07 B AIF3984
2020-01-21 A AIG3856
2020-01-21 B PRT3950
And I want to get the percentage of IDs in group A. The result should be like this:
group ID_perc
A 0.66
This should be pretty simple. But I got this far:
select t1.week, count(distinct t1.ID)::float/t2.total_ID as ID_perc
from table as A
inner joint (select count(distinct ID) as total_ID
from table where group='B') t2
on t1.week = t2.week
where t1.group = 'A'
This doesn’t solve my problem.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
You can use this (based on your latest edit) –
Select group, grp_count/total_cnt as perc
(Select group,count(*) as grp_count, min(total_cnt) as total_cnt
from t
Cross Join (Select count(*) as total_cnt from t) t2
Group by group)