SELECT date_format(LEFT(CAST(REQDT AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS REQDT, count(SVCE_DOMAIN) COUNTSVCE FROM BC_HISTORY where reqid ='MSYS' group by date_format(LEFT(CAST(REQDT AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d');
The code I wrote above results show like this.
I want to know how to Sum numbers in the column ‘COUNTSVCE’.
The column ‘COUNTSVCE’ is an alias of count(SVCE_DOMAIN)
function might be a good solution but I can’t use it in my JAVA query
so I get the result as alias.
Thank you.
It seems that you need either in
SELECT total.* FROM ( SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LEFT(CAST(reqdt AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdt, COUNT(svce_domain) countsvce FROM bc_history GROUP BY reqdt UNION ALL SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LEFT(CAST(reqdt AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdt, COUNT(svce_domain) countsvce FROM bc_history WHERE reqid ='MSYS' GROUP BY reqdt ) AS total
or in
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LEFT(CAST(reqdt AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdt, COUNT(svce_domain) total_count, SUM(reqid ='MSYS') msys_count FROM bc_history GROUP BY reqdt
UPDATE according to altered question
Why you cannot use
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LEFT(CAST(reqdt AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdt, COUNT(svce_domain) countsvce FROM bc_history WHERE reqid ='MSYS' GROUP BY reqdt WITH ROLLUP;
Total sum for a column will be the last row, with NULL value in reqdt
column (which may be replaced with some literal, for example, ‘Total’).
I want to use this query in Mybatis in Springboot. But my query send data only as alias name. So I need result as alias.
I understand nothing. But you may convert the query to the subquery.
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LEFT(CAST(reqdt AS UNSIGNED),8),'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdt, COUNT(svce_domain) countsvce FROM bc_history WHERE reqid ='MSYS' GROUP BY reqdt WITH ROLLUP ) AS subquery ORDER BY reqdt IS NULL; -- place total row last
Now assign the alias by the common way, like this is a table, not a subquery.