select @paytype := 'card';
INSERT INTO PAYMENT (Pay_TotalAmount, Pay_Date, Pay_Type, KEY_ID, CUST_id)
(select IFNULL(s1, 0)+IFNULL(s2, 0)+IFNULL(s3, 0)+IFNULL(s4, 0), current_timestamp(),
, t1.key_id, t1.cust_id from
(select cust_id,key_id,sum(serreq_totalamount) s1
from servicerequirement
group by key_id) t1
left outer JOIN
(select cust_id,key_id,sum(facreq_totalamount) s2
from facilityrequirement
group by key_id) t2 ON t1.key_id = t2.key_id
left outer JOIN
(select cust_id,key_id,sum(resorder_totalamount) s3
from restaurantorder
group by key_id) t3 ON t2.key_id = t3.key_id
left outer JOIN
(select cust_id,key_id,sum(fine_amount) s4
from fine
group by key_id) t4 ON t3.key_id = t4.key_id
I have created a table where I get the sum of each item.
However, this query returns : 0 row affected.
I know what the problem is. If the key_id and cust_id are not in the t1 table specified as an alias, the value cannot be returned because the t1 table is empty.
If there is data for key_id in t1, this query works fine. However, there may be no data in t1. How can I solve this problem?
You want a full join
, which MySQL does not support. There are various ways to approach this, but perhaps the simplest in your case is union all
with aggregation afterwards:
INSERT INTO PAYMENT (KEY_ID, CUST_id, Pay_TotalAmount, Pay_Date, Pay_Type)
select key_id, cust_id,
sum(serreq_totalamount + facreq_totalamount + resorder_totalamount + fine_amount),
from ((select cust_id, key_id, serreq_totalamount, 0 as facreq_totalamount, 0 as resorder_totalamount, 0 as fine_amount
from servicerequirement
) union all
(select cust_id, key_id, 0 as serreq_totalamount, facreq_totalamount, 0 as resorder_totalamount, 0 as fine_amount
from facilityrequirement
) union all
(select cust_id, key_id, 0 as serreq_totalamount, 0 as facreq_totalamount, resorder_totalamount, 0 as fine_amount
from restaurantorder
) union all
(select cust_id, key_id, 0 as serreq_totalamount, 0 as facreq_totalamount, 0 as resorder_totalamount, fine_amount
from fine
) ck
group by cust_id, key_id