I want a filter on included/joined associated models.
practice.patients.joins(' LEFT JOIN appointments on patients.id = appointments.patient_id LEFT JOIN patient_treatments on patients.id = patient_treatments.patient_id LEFT JOIN invoices on patients.id = invoices.patient_id LEFT JOIN prescription_values on patients.id = prescription_values.patient_id' ).where('(appointments.created_at::date between :start_date and :end_date' ,{start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date })
I want patients with appointments in this date range.
You can load filtered associated objects only using eager_load
Take a look at this example
result = [YourModel].patients.eager_load(:appointments).where("appointments.created_at::date between :start_date and :end_date" ,{start_date: Date.yesterday, end_date: Date.today })
It will load patients whose appointment is created between yesterday and today . Also it will load associated appointments in the specified date range.
Try doing
I hope it helps!