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How can I create a SQL Server stored procedure which can produce a table combining three tables

I have three SQL tables as below.

Table #1: Benchmark

WorkLoadType    MaxUsersperVCpu vCPU    RAM MaxUserCapacity
Light           6                2        8     12
Medium          4                4       16     16
Heavy           2                4       16     8
Power           1                6       56     6

Table #2: VMType

id  HostPoolName    Resource_Group  WorkLoadType
1   Pool1               RG1         Light
2   Pool2               RG2         Light
3   Pool3               RG3         Light
4   Pool4               RG4         Light

Table #3: VM

HostPoolName    MemoryInMB  Name        NumberOfCores   Resource_Group  VMSize
Pool1              8192     VM1             2            RG1           Standard_D2s_v3
Pool1              8192     VM2             2            RG1        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool2              8192     VM3             2            RG2        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool3              8192     VM4             2            RG3        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool3              8192     VM5             2            RG3        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool3              8192     VM6             2            RG3        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool3              8192     VM7             2            RG3        Standard_D2s_v3
Pool3              8192     VM8             2            RG3        Standard_D2s_v3

I need to create a stored procedure which should produce a new table like this. Here Capacity column is the multiplication of MaxUserPervCpu and NumberOfCores

Table: Capacity

Name        HostPoolName    ResourceGroup   WorkLoadType    MaxUserPerVCpu  NumberOfCores   Capacity
VM1         Pool1           RG1              Light                    6     2               12       
VM2         Pool1           RG1              Light                    6     2               12
VM3         Pool2           RG2              Light                    6     2               12
VM4         Pool3           RG3              Light                    6     2               12
VM5         Pool3           RG3              Light                    6     2               12
VM6         Pool3           RG3              Light                    6     2               12

A help on this will be highly appreciated.



This looks like simple joins:

select vm.*, b.*   -- choose the columns you want here
from vm join
     vmtype vt
     on vt.HostPoolName = vm.HostPoolName join
     Benchmark b
     on b.WorkLoadType = vt.WorkLoadType;
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