How do I check that when a user enters their date of birth into my database that they are 12 and over?
I am using SQL plus.
Right now I have somthing like this:
create table test(dateofbirth date not null, CONSTRAINT dateofbirth_ck CHECK(TO_CHAR(dateofbirth, 'YYYY-MM-DD') <= '2002-02-09') );
The problem with this is that it does not update every day, so the ‘2002-02-09’ should be changed every day.
I know what to do but I’m not sure how to execute it. I want to get the ‘Dateofbirth’ & sysdate – 12 years and if user is above 12 it will let them.
Oracle won’t you let use sysdate
in a check constraint (or other functions whose return value is not constant over time).
You can, however, write a trigger that implements the same logic:
create or replace trigger trg_mytable_dateofbirth before insert or update on mytable for each row begin if :new.dateofbirth > add_months(sysdate, -12 * 12) then raise_application_error( -20001, 'invalid date of birth - current value:' || to_char(:new.dateofbirth, 'yyyy-mm-dd') || ', limit as of today:' || to_char(add_months(sysdate, -12 * 12), 'yyyy-mm-dd') ); end if; end; /
insert into mytable(dateofbirth) values (date'2000-01-01') -- 1 rows affected insert into mytable(dateofbirth) values (date'2010-01-01') -- ORA-20001: invalid date of birth - current value:2010-01-01, limit as of today:2008-02-10 -- ORA-06512: at "FIDDLE_MYQIVTFXTMKGROKMNOGB.TRG_MYTABLE_DATEOFBIRTH", line 4 -- ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'FIDDLE_MYQIVTFXTMKGROKMNOGB.TRG_MYTABLE_DATEOFBIRTH'