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Hive TPCDS Query30 “Only SubQuery expressions that are top level conjuncts are allowed “

I am getting the above error when trying to run a tpcds query 30 in Hive. I did research and know this is not allowed in Hive so I am wondering how to rewrite this query. I directly got it from this website.

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Line 0:-1 Unsupported SubQuery Expression 'ctr_state': Only SubQuery expressions that are top level conjuncts are allowed

Query 30

with customer_total_return as
 (select wr_returning_customer_sk as ctr_customer_sk
        ,ca_state as ctr_state, 
   sum(wr_return_amt) as ctr_total_return
 from web_returns
 where wr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk 
   and d_year =2000
   and wr_returning_addr_sk = ca_address_sk 
 group by wr_returning_customer_sk
  select  c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,c_preferred_cust_flag
 from customer_total_return ctr1
 where ctr1.ctr_total_return > (select avg(ctr_total_return)*1.2
        from customer_total_return ctr2 
                      where ctr1.ctr_state = ctr2.ctr_state)
       and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk
       and ca_state = 'GA'
       and ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
 order by c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,c_preferred_cust_flag
limit 100;


Query 30 may have a typo when you generate the query using the tpcds suite. This does not exist in the customer table c_last_review_date_sk and you need to change it to c_last_review_date



Calculate avg(ctr_total_return) in the subquery customer_total_return using analytic function and remove subquery from the WHERE:

with customer_total_return as
select ctr_customer_sk, ctr_state, ctr_total_return,
       avg(ctr_total_return) over(partition by ctr_state ) as ctr_state_avg
 (select wr_returning_customer_sk as ctr_customer_sk
        ,ca_state as ctr_state, 
   sum(wr_return_amt) as ctr_total_return
 from web_returns
 where wr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk 
   and d_year =2000
   and wr_returning_addr_sk = ca_address_sk 
 group by wr_returning_customer_sk
) s

  select  c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,c_preferred_cust_flag
 from customer_total_return ctr1
 where ctr1.ctr_total_return > ctr1.ctr_state_avg*1.2
       and ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk
       and ca_state = 'GA'
       and ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
 order by c_customer_id,c_salutation,c_first_name,c_last_name,c_preferred_cust_flag
limit 100;
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