I’m looking for a way to solve the following situation. I have a table that I need to return only one number for each “p.pays
“, This query is supposed to list “nom
from table Pays
” where at least half of the “athlete
” have are in the table “Resultat
” but my subquery returns more than one line is there a way I can match “p.code
” in both the query and the subquery so it only returns 1 line per “p.code
SELECT p.nom , count(*) FROM Athlete a
INNER JOIN Pays p ON a.pays = p.code
GROUP BY p.code HAVING count(*)/2 >= (SELECT count(*) FROM Athlete a
INNER JOIN Pays p ON a.pays = p.code
INNER JOIN Resultat r ON a.code = r.athlete
GROUP BY p.code);
Expected result, show Countries”Pays” where at least half of the athletes “Athlete” have won a medal (Athlete is in the Resultat
table). :
p.nom | count(*)
|Albania | 134 | <-- Total Number of athletes "Athlete" in the
|Argentina | 203 | country "Pays".
| | |
You want to have two counts of athlethes in the country:
- all athletes
- the resultat athletes
Use a conditional count for this:
SELECT p.nom, count(*)
FROM pays p
INNER JOIN athlete a ON a.pays = p.code
GROUP BY p.code
HAVING COUNT(*) / 2 >=
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE a.code IN (SELECT athlete FROM resultat))
ORDER BY p.nom;