i want to select from my database the data that is
BETWEEN to date and two different times in the same date
but when I use the Sum in one of the variants it give me a wrong result
i thnik that the problem is in the group by
this is my exemple
date_0 = str(self.dateEdit_49.text())
date_1 = str(self.dateEdit_47.text())
selected_day = self.dateEdit_49.date()
last_day = selected_day.addDays(-1)
last_day_str = last_day.toString(self.dateEdit_49.displayFormat())
'''SELECT date_d, SUM(montant) FROM transactions
WHERE (date_d, time_d) > (%s::date, '16:00:00'::time)
AND (date_d, time_d) < (%s::date, '16:00:00'::time)
GROUP BY (date_d)''',(last_day_str, date_1))
how can i groupe the result with date but date is like this image
You seem to want:
SELECT date_d, SUM(montant)
FROM transactions
WHERE date_d + time_d > %s::date + '16:00:00'::time
AND date_d + time_d < %s::date + '16:00:00'::time
GROUP BY date_d
If you want to generate groups of rows that start at 4 PM until the next day at 4 PM, then we can offset the dates. A subquery comes handy for this:
SELECT new_dt, SUM(montant)
SELECT t.*, date_d + time_d - interval '16 hour' new_dt
FROM transactions t
) t
WHERE new_dt > %s::date
AND new_dt < %s::date
GROUP BY new_dt