I have a database table as like table_name (participant_member) :
dataset and output formate link
I need combination based group by unique count for example if a member already stay in purpose p1 then it will not count inside p1,p2 combinaton if the member_id contain the purpose p1 and p2 then it will count inside p1,p2 I have tryied using this query
This output generate based on the test input dataset.
I have tried a sql query but it does not give me the appropriate output as i like . its doesnt give me the unique one
with tmain as (select member_id, purpose, group_id, pg.name from participant_group_member pgm join participant_group pg on pg.id = pgm.group_id join participant_group_type pgt on pg.participant_group_type_id = pgt.id join program_pivoted pp on pp.program_id = pgt.component_id where purpose not like '%Test_জানিনা%' and purpose not like '%Test_Apu_SAPLING%' and purpose not like '%Test Purpose -p1%' ), cte as (SELECT string_agg( distinct tmain.purpose, ',' ORDER BY tmain.purpose) as pc, count(*) as cnt from tmain group by tmain.purpose ) select pc as purpose_combination, sum(cnt) as member_count from cte group by pc
Note: I am using postgres database
I think the problem was with cte
you should group by member to get the purpose combination of every member then count the member of every combination:
WITH tmain AS ( SELECT member_id, purpose, group_id, pg.name FROM participant_group_member pgm JOIN participant_group pg ON pg.id = pgm.group_id JOIN participant_group_type pgt ON pg.participant_group_type_id = pgt.id JOIN program_pivoted pp ON pp.program_id = pgt.component_id WHERE purpose not like '%Test_জানিনা%' AND purpose not like '%Test_Apu_SAPLING%' AND purpose not like '%Test Purpose -p1%' ), -- HERE group by member to extract every purpose combination of a member -- mem1 p1,p2 -- mem2 p1 -- mem3 p1,p2 -- when you group by purpose combination you get members by count them -- p1,p2 : 2 members -- p1 : 1 members cte as ( SELECT tmain.member_id, string_agg( distinct tmain.purpose, ',' ORDER BY tmain.purpose) as pc FROM tmain group by tmain.member_id ) SELECT cte.pc as purpose_combination, count(*) as member_count FROM cte GROUP BY pc