i try to perform an join on a table that is the result of an other join. But i recieve the error: Table “join_1” must be qualified with a dataset (e.g. dataset.table). I bolded the Problem. Thanks a lot in advance.
How can I qualify table join_1? I edited the table, I hope that helps to understand the problem more. Thanks a lot, you guys reply that fast, you guys are awesome.
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM `prod.box.records` AS records LEFT JOIN `prod.box.record_updates` as updates USING (c2) WHERE c11 ="view") AS join_1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT c1, c6, c2 FROM ( SELECT c1, IFNULL(c4,c3) AS c6, c2, c7 FROM ( SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 FROM **join_1**) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT c1, c2, MAX(c5) AS c5, "TRUE" AS c7 FROM join_1 GROUP BY c5, c2) USING (c2, c1, c5) GROUP BY c1, c6, c2, c7 HAVING c7 = "TRUE")) AS status USING (c2, c1)
I found the answer to my Problem, but I was only able to find it, because of your “with clause” hint, samuel. So, thanks a lot, Samuel. But I will post the answer here, I have put all Joins into With clauses just the last one i did in the SELECT.
with join_1 as ( SELECT * FROM prod.box.records AS records LEFT JOIN prod.box.record_updates AS updates USING (c2) WHERE c11 ="view"), status as ( SELECT c1, c6, c2 FROM ( SELECT c1, IFNULL(c4,c3) AS c6, c2, final_status FROM ( SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 FROM join_1) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT c1, c2, c5, "TRUE" AS final_status FROM join_1 GROUP BY c5, c2) USING (c2, c1, c5) GROUP BY c1, c6, c2, final_status HAVING final_status = "TRUE") USING (c2, c1)) SELECT * FROM join_1 INNER JOIN status USING (c2, c1)