how would you select multiple grids in the example below instead of just one under “WHERE”:
SELECT sdg_code, sdg_name, "grid.5170.3" as grid, year, COUNT(DISTINCT id) as pubs, ROUND(AVG(fcr), 1) as fcr, ROUND(EXP(AVG(LOG(GREATEST(fcr, 1)))), 1) as fcr_geomean, ROUND(sum(AltWithScore), 1) as altmetric FROM ( SELECT, year, if(p.altmetrics.score > 0, 1, 0) as AltWithScore, cat_sdg.code as sdg_code, as sdg_name, p.metrics.field_citation_ratio as fcr, p.altmetrics.score as altmetric_score, row_number() over(partition by, cat_sdg.code) as rn FROM dimensions - ai.data_analytics.publications p, UNNEST(category_sdg.full) cat_sdg WHERE year >= 2011 AND year <= 2020 AND "grid.5170.3" in UNNEST(research_orgs) ) WHERE rn = 1 GROUP BY sdg_code, sdg_name, year ORDER BY year asc
What needs to be changed:
It currently only runs for 1 organisation (GRID), I would like it to run for 11 organisations. The org is identified with an ID called a “GRID”, it looks like this: “grid.5170.3”
I want my new code to take 10 org IDs more. Need to use these 10: grid.5254.6, grid.7048.b, grid.5117.2, grid.10825.3e, grid.4655.2, grid.11702.35, grid.154185.c, grid.475435.4, grid.7143.1, grid.27530.33
And add a column with the org name; currently there is only a column with the org.
Thanks, new to this whole thing.
Instead of WHERE year >= 2011 AND year <= 2020 AND "grid.5170.3" in UNNEST(research_orgs)
use below
WHERE year >= 2011 AND year <= 2020 AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(research_orgs) grid WHERE grid IN ('grid.5170.3', 'grid.5254.6', 'grid.7048.b', 'grid.5117.2', 'grid.10825.3e', 'grid.4655.2', 'grid.11702.35', 'grid.154185.c', 'grid.475435.4', 'grid.7143.1', 'grid.27530.33') )