I would like to run a query from the tables below that gives me the ratio of the amount paid from the executive offices to the total amount due:
CREATE TABLE offices ( name VARCHAR(255), ID VARCHAR(255), level VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO offices (name,ID,level) VALUES ('chairman', 'ad1', 'admin'), ('MD', 'ad2', 'admin'), ('CEO', 'ad3', 'admin'), ('president', 'ex1', 'exec' ), ('VP', 'ex2', 'exec'), ('GM', 'ex3', 'exec'), ('HOD', 'ex4', 'exec'); CREATE TABLE cheques ( payee VARCHAR(255) , officeID VARCHAR(255), amount INT(), status VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO cheques VALUES ('john', 'ad2', '100', 'paid'), ('john', 'ad3', '50', 'owed'), ('john', 'ex3', '80', 'paid'), ('john', 'ex4', '150', 'owed'), ('john', 'ex1', '35', 'paid'), ('mary', 'ad1', '200', 'paid'), ('mary', 'ad3', '90', 'owed'), ('mary', 'ex2', '110', 'paid'), ('mary', 'ex4', '40', 'owed'), ('mary', 'ex1', '60', 'paid'), ('jane', 'ad1', '75', 'paid'), ('jane', 'ad3', '120', 'paid');
The expected result is as below :
data.frame( payee=c("john","mary"), totalpaid=c(115,170), status=c("paid", "paid"), totalsdue = c(415, 500), ratio=(0.28, 0.34) )
I have been able to get totalpaid from exec offices as below
SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalpaid, c.status FROM cheques c JOIN offices o ON c.officeID = o.ID WHERE o.level LIKE '%ex%' AND c.status LIKE '%paid%' GROUP BY payee
and the totalsdue as below
SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalsdue FROM cheques c GROUP BY payee
What I have tried without success:
SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalsdue totalsdue/totalpaid as ratio FROM cheques c WHERE c.payee IN (SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalpaid, c.status FROM cheques c JOIN offices o ON c.officeID = o.ID WHERE o.level LIKE '%ex%' AND c.status LIKE '%paid%' GROUP BY payee ) GROUP BY payee
How to get the expected results with a single query.
For the result you could use the subquery in JOIN
SELECT t1.payee, t1.totalsdue, t1.totalsdue/t2.totalpaid from ( SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalsdue FROM cheques c GROUP BY payee ) t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT c.payee, SUM(c.amount) as totalpaid, c.status FROM cheques c JOIN offices o ON c.officeID = o.ID WHERE o.level LIKE '%ex%' AND c.status LIKE '%paid%' GROUP BY payee ) t2 on t1.payee = t2.payee
for better performance ..
check if you really need like and wildchar matching or you can result ve the query with exact matching
and be sure you have proper index on columns potenzially involved in join and where
table cheques column ( officeID, payee)
or if the column status allow exact match column ( officeID, status, payee)