I am trying to get the previous month data according to the datetime in the column dynamically for example I have data like this
Now I want the records previous than Opendt. The problem is that I am getting the record after Opendt but I am getting empty when I am getting the record before 1 month or 2 month of Opendt
this is the query i am writing
select * from dbo.mytable where Valdate between OpenDt and dateadd(Month,-1,OpenDt)
the problem is that here -1 and -2 returning empty but when i am adding positive values 1 , 2 and 3 I am getting the records after the OpenDt but not the before Dt Records.
I need the previous one or two month records before OpenDt
You need to reverse the BETWEEN. The lower value must always be first.
FROM dbo.mytable
WHERE Valdate BETWEEN dateadd(Month,-1,OpenDt) AND OpenDt