I’ve queried user_invitations.inviter_id with filter I want which is:
select inviter_id, count(inviter_id) as invited_cnt from user_invitations group by inviter_id having invited_cnt >= 52 order by invited_cnt
From here I am trying to use only inviter_id to get id in another table called user (i.e. want to get user_id that match inviter_id I’ve just got above)
I’ve tried doing inner joing
from users inner join ( select inviter_id, count(inviter_id) as invited_cnt from user_invitations group by inviter_id having invited_cnt >= 52 order by invited_cnt )user_inv on users.id = user_inv.id;
no luck, I thought about using subquery
from users where id in ( select inviter_id from user_invitations where inviter_id in ( select count(inviter_id) as invited_cnt from user_invitations group by inviter_id having invited_cnt >= 52 ) group by inviter_id );
but in most inner query it I cannot find out a way to return inviter_id after filtering by invited_cnt >= 52. How can I achieve this, is it not possible since to use having invited_cnt >= 52 we need aggreate count?
I’ve looked at some resources: Select id from one query and use it in another
but none of them seem to deal with aggregate.
If I understood your question, this query should give you the user_id
from user
that matched the inviter_id
SELECT us.inviter_id, count(us.inviter_id) AS invited_cnt, u.user_id FROM user_invitations AS us JOIN user AS u ON u.user_id = us.inviter_id //just change the column name if needed GROUP BY us.inviter_id HAVING invited_cnt >= 52 ORDER BY invited_cnt
If you are expecting only one user_id
, then I think this should work. Although it would be nice if you included your table structure plus some sample data and expected output