enter image description hereI have an employee table. In that table I have n number of loan.. Now I want to select all the employees with his last taken loan value and date.. can anyone help me out in this.
There’s what I’ve done so far:
SELECT employee_id,employee_name,department_name, designation_name,PF_type,PF_number,Opening_balance, MAX(Loan_id),MAX(loan_date), MAX(loan_amount) FROM single_roww1 GROUP BY employee_id
I tried group by, limit and order by for this but of no use… I also tried to take the last occurence of the employee_id that also didn’t work..
Update: to get the full row of max id:
SELECT * FROM loan INNER JOIN (SELECT max(id) max_id FROM loan GROUP BY employee_id) x ON x.max_id = loan.id group by employee_id;
I have to mention that your DB table design without primary key isn’t well designed: https://i.stack.imgur.com/DTYO8.png