I have a query, in this query I need to get a number of classes (class count) in each district. In here it comes only those who have classes. So I need to show the district’s it doesn’t have a classes as well.
My District
table consist 25 values. and my class coverage table has 5 values to 3 districts. I need to show all the districts.
SELECT CC.DistrictId, D.DistrictName, COUNT(D.DistrictId) AS DistrictCount FROM TBL_T_ClassCoverage CC LEFT JOIN [dbo].[TBL_M_District] D ON CC.DistrictId = D.DistrictId WHERE CC.IsActive = 1 GROUP BY CC.DistrictId, D.DistrictName ORDER BY DistrictId ASC
You need to join your tables the other way, from districts to classes, to ensure that all district values are in the output:
SELECT D.DistrictId, D.DistrictName, COUNT(CC.DistrictId) AS DistrictCount FROM [dbo].[TBL_M_District] D LEFT JOIN TBL_T_ClassCoverage CC ON CC.DistrictId = D.DistrictId AND CC.IsActive = 1 GROUP BY D.DistrictId, D.DistrictName ORDER BY D.DistrictId ASC