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get request to accepts params in postman, currently sends a unsupported media type error

I’ve built different get methods using body request to select an id (with raw json). However, as I learned that get methods doesn’t support body request, I would like to change so that I can use params in postman insted. However, when I do it now, I get an 415 Unsupported Media Type.

Here’s the method:

    public async Task<IEnumerable<RentReason>> getRentReason(RentReason model)
        var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
        parameters.Add("@rentId", model.rentreasonId);
        var getAllRentReason = await _sqlconnection.QueryAsync<RentReason>($@"SELECT 
        CostItem.ID as rentreasonId,
        CostItem.CostItemTypeID as claimReason,
        RequestRentServiceReason.Name as rentReason, 
        RequestRentServiceCartype.Name as RentServiceCarTypeID, 
        DateFrom, DateTo, Price as totalPrice 
        FROM CostItem 
        INNER JOIN RequestRentServiceReason ON CostItem.RentReasonID = RequestRentServiceReason.ID
        INNER JOIN RequestRentServiceCartype ON CostItem.RentServiceCartypeID = RequestRentServiceCartype.ID
        WHERE CostItem.ID = @rentId", parameters);
        return getAllRentReason;


        public async Task<IActionResult> getRentReason(RentReason model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);
                var list = await _request.getRentReason(model);
                return Ok(list);
            catch (Exception ex)

                return BadRequest(ex.Message);
            return Ok();

Interface class:

Task<IEnumerable<RentReason>> getRentReason(RentReason model);

Before I sent requests in the body like:

    "rentreasonId": "40"

But I would like to send it in the params insted so for example:


Anyone know how to achive this?



You can have method parameters bound to query parameters by using the [FromQuery] Attribute.

In your case, it should look something like this:

public async Task<IActionResult> getRentReason([FromQuery] int rentreasonId)

which will enable you to use <your controller path>/rentReason?rentreasonId=40

However, I’d recommend to use route parameters for this:

public async Task<IActionResult> getRentReason([FromRoute] int rentreasonId)

Which will get you something like <authority>/your/api/route/rentreason/40.

For reference: FromRouteAttribute

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