What is the most efficient way to get the number of partitions created in the database?
I am using PostgreSQL API for C++.
This is how you can select all the names of the table partitions:
SELECT nmsp_parent.nspname AS parent_schema, parent.relname AS parent, nmsp_child.nspname AS child, child.relname AS child_schema FROM pg_inherits JOIN pg_class parent ON pg_inherits.inhparent = parent.oid JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_parent ON nmsp_parent.oid = parent.relnamespace JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace
It can be used to count as well:
SELECT nmsp_parent.nspname AS parent_schema, parent.relname AS parent, COUNT(*) FROM pg_inherits JOIN pg_class parent ON pg_inherits.inhparent = parent.oid JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_parent ON nmsp_parent.oid = parent.relnamespace JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace GROUP BY parent_schema, parent;