I have a doubt on this sql problem.
Here is the tables.
I currenly have all the characters names that died on Episode 3, but I don’t know how to get the character killers.
Any idea?
Select name from characters c, deaths d where c.id = d.id_character and d.id_film= (Select id from films f where f.episode = "Episode III")
This is my sql query so far.
You can join the characters table twice:
select c.name, k.name as killer
from films f
inner join deaths d on f.id = d.id_film
inner join characters c on c.id = d.id_character
inner join characters k on k.id = d.id_killer
where f.episode = 'Episode III'
Use standard joins! Implicit joins (with commas in the
clause) are legacy syntax from (literaly) decades ago, that should not be used in new codeUse single quotes for literal strings; in standard SQL, double quotes stand for identifiers (although MySQL makes things differently)