I have 4 tables
projectid: INT (pk) modifiedDate: DateTime2 ...
id: INT (pk) projectid: INT (fk) modifiedDate: DateTime2 ...
id: INT (pk) projectid: INT (fk) modifiedDate: DateTime2 ...
id: INT (pk) projectid: INT (fk) modifiedDate: DateTime2 ...
Any of tables gets modified depending upon the user’s action. All tables have projectId as foreignKey from ProjectTable.
I want to get the latest modifiedDate
from any of the table. Ex: ProjectFinalizeTable
can have latest modifiedDate
so that-date will be returned from the query.
To give you an idea what I want is like below query (Note: below query is just to give you idea about what exactly I am looking for)
Select MAX(pt.modifiedDate, pat.modifiedDate, pft.modifiedDate, pct.modifiedDate) as latestModifiedDate from ProjectTable pt join ProjectFinalizeTable pft pt.projectid = pft.projectid join ProjectAdditionalTimeTable pat pt.projectid = pat.projectid join ProjectCompleteTable pct pt.projectid = pct.projectid
I have gone through many links but can’t find a way to calculate MAX(Date)
from multiple tables.
Given you want the max(modifiedDate)
over a number of tables, it would seem that unioning them and the aggregating them is the way to go.
with cte as ( select projectId, modifiedDate from dbo.ProjectTable union all select projectId, modifiedDate from dbo.ProjectFinalizeTable union all select projectId, modifiedDate from dbo.ProjectAdditionalTimeTable union all select projectId, modifiedDate from dbo.ProjectCompleteTable ) select projectId, max(modifiedDate) from cte group by projectId;