I got two tables, conversations and messages, What I’d like to do is to make a inner join from conversations to messages.
Here is my query:
SELECT messages.msg, messages.`read`, conversations.userid, conversations.contactid FROM conversations INNER JOIN messages ON conversations.id = messages.convId WHERE conversations.id IN(443,444)
Now everything works as it should, but a last thing is that in the inner join where i use
conversations.id = messages.convId
I would like to get the highest ids only, like:
AND MAX(messages.id)
But that doesn’t work
EDIT: I tried once to use:
LEFT JOIN messages ON conversations.id = messages.convId AND messages.id = MAX(messages.id)
But i got an error saying: Invalid use of group function.
This will work!
SELECT conversations.*, m1.* FROM conversations LEFT JOIN messages m1 ON conversations.id = m1.cid AND m1.id = ( SELECT MAX(m2.id) FROM messages m2 WHERE m2.cid = conversations.id )