I have written a function by reading an excel file and writing it to the database. This works!
Getting data from the database also works.
Where I get stuck is at the point that the function should read each row, calculate it and write the result back to the database.
I also want to find out how many rows were written in the database and then pass that number to the for-loop.
The first function is used to read the Excel data and write it to the database:
def Load_into_database(): file_path = label_file["text"] try: excel_filename = r"{}".format(file_path) if excel_filename[-4:] == ".csv": df = pd.read_csv(excel_filename, header=0, names=['Probe_Dehnung', 'Probe_Standardkraft'], sheet_name='Probe 1', skiprows=2, usecols="A:B") else: df = pd.read_excel(excel_filename, header=0, names=['Probe_Dehnung', 'Probe_Standardkraft'], sheet_name='Probe 1', skiprows=2, usecols="A:B") except ValueError: tk.messagebox.showerror("Information", "The file you have chosen is invalid") return None except FileNotFoundError: tk.messagebox.showerror("Information", f"No such file as {file_path}") return None engine = create_engine("mariadb+mariadbconnector://root:pw123@") df.to_sql('zugversuch_probe_1', con=engine, if_exists='append', index=False) c.execute("SELECT * FROM zugversuch_probe_1") records = c.fetchall() print("Records", records) calculation(records)
The second function is to read each row from the one column and calculate it row by row and then write it back into the database:
def calculation(records): # query the database for record_id in records: c.execute("SELECT * FROM zugversuch_probe_1 WHERE ID = " + str(record_id)) records = c.fetchall()[0] # Berechnung Dehnung dehnung = calc_dehnung(records[1]) print("Dehnung", dehnung) sql_command = """ INSERT INTO zugversuch_probe_1 (Dehnung) VALUES(%s)""" c.execute("""UPDATE zugversuch_probe_1 SET Dehnung = %s WHERE ID = %s""", ( dehnung.get(), record_id )) values = (dehnung.get()) # commit changes conn.commit # close connection conn.close() def calc_dehnung(value_list): return (value_list[0] / 0.123) * 100
After I run my code, I get the error message:
c.execute(“SELECT * FROM zugversuch_probe_1 WHERE ID = ” + str(record_id)) mariadb.OperationalError: Unknown column ‘None’ in ‘where clause’
Unfortunately, I also have the problem that the ID in the database does not start again at 0 after I have deleted data, but continues to count.
Here is a screenshot of the database: Screenshot Database
Here is a screenshot of the Excel file: Screenshot Excel
Thank you in advance
yes it works!
it didn’t work for the reason that I forgot the brackets in conn.commit()
Here is my new code which i got from @vinzBad
def update(): c.execute("SELECT * FROM zugversuch_probe_1") for record in c.fetchall(): try: record_id, probe_dehnung, dehnung, probe_standardkraft = record dehnung = (probe_dehnung / 0.123) * 100 c.execute("""UPDATE zugversuch_probe_1 SET Dehnung = %s WHERE ID = %s""", ( dehnung, record_id )) conn.commit() except mariadb.Error as e: print(f"Error connecting to MariaDB Platform: {e}") sys.exit(1) conn.close()
Here is a Screenshot mariadb
Thank you for the help!