I am trying to combine two queries
select s.id , sum(h.val) as [VAL]
from identity s inner join price_net h on s.date = h.date and s.num_id = h.num_id and s.rec_type = h.rec_type
where s.date = '10/25/21'
and s.rec_type = 'D'
and s.tier = 'P'
group by s.
select s.id , sum(h.val) as [VAL]
from identity s inner join price_net h on s.date = h.date and s.num_id = h.num_id and s.rec_type = h.rec_type
where s.date = '10/26/21'
and s.rec_type = 'D'
and s.tier = 'P'
group by s.
and I want it so there is one table with one column for s.id and the next columns are VAL columns for each respective date. Where a value is not available for a give s.id on a specific date it should show NA.
I supppose you are looking for conditional aggregation (CASE WHEN
inside the aggregation function).
sum(case when i.date = date '2021-10-25' then pn.val end) as val_20211025,
sum(case when i.date = date '2021-10-26' then pn.val end) as val_20211026
from identity i
join price_net pn on pn.date = i.date
and pn.num_id = i.num_id
and pn.rec_type = i.rec_type
where i.tier = 'P'
and i.rec_type = 'D'
and i.date in (date '2021-10-25', date '2021-10-26')
group by i.id
order by i.id;