I have a multi-part SDO_GEOMETRY that I can represent as JSON (Oracle 21c):
select json_object(* PRETTY) as pretty_json from ( select '001' as line_id, sdo_geometry('MULTILINESTRING ((0.0 5.0, 10.0 10.0, 30.0 0.0), (50.0 10.0, 60.0 10.0))') as sdo_geom from dual ) PRETTY_JSON -------------------------- { "LINE_ID" : "001", "SDO_GEOM" : { "SDO_GTYPE" : 2006, "SDO_SRID" : null, "SDO_POINT" : { }, "SDO_ELEM_INFO" : [ 1, 2, 1, 7, 2, 1 ], "SDO_ORDINATES" : [ 0, 5, 10, 10, 30, 0, 50, 10, 60, 10 ] } }
As an experiment, I want to find a way to generate rows from the JSON:
LINE_ID PART_NUM VERTEX_NUM X Y ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 001 1 1 0 5 001 1 2 10 10 001 1 3 30 0 001 2 1 50 10 001 2 2 60 10
Each row is a vertex of the geometry.
In an SQL query, is there a way to generate rows for each of the JSON vertices?
I’m aware that SDO_GEOMETRY has a GetVertices() function that can be used for this — it avoids the JSON step. That works, but in my case, I want to experiment with parsing vertices out of JSON text using SQL. If I find something that works, I want to use that same JSON extraction technique on a user-defined datatype that doesn’t have a GetVertices function.
The simplest method (adapted from my answer to your previous question for 3D lines) is to use SDO_GEOMETRY
and not to use JSON functions:
SELECT t.line_id, e.elem_no, v.id AS coord_id, x, y FROM ( SELECT '001' AS line_id, SDO_GEOMETRY( 'MULTILINESTRING ((0.0 5.0, 10.0 10.0, 30.0 0.0), (50.0 10.0, 60.0 10.0))' ) AS shape FROM DUAL ) t CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT LEVEL AS elem_no, SDO_UTIL.EXTRACT(t.shape, LEVEL) AS elem FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= SDO_UTIL.GETNUMELEM(t.shape) ) e CROSS APPLY TABLE(SDO_UTIL.GETVERTICES(e.elem)) v
But, if you assume that you are only working with 2D multi-lines (GTYPE = 2006
) then you can get the output with JSON but its not simple:
WITH elements (line_id, elem_no, starting_offset, next_offset, ordinates) AS ( SELECT '001' as line_id, elem_no, starting_offset, next_offset, ordinates FROM JSON_TABLE( JSON_OBJECT( SDO_GEOMETRY( 'MULTILINESTRING ((0.0 5.0, 10.0 10.0, 30.0 0.0), (50.0 10.0, 60.0 10.0))' ) ), '$?(@.SDO_GTYPE==2006)' COLUMNS ( ordinates VARCHAR2(4000) FORMAT JSON PATH '$.SDO_ORDINATES', NESTED PATH '$.SDO_ELEM_INFO[*]' COLUMNS ( item_no FOR ORDINALITY, item NUMBER PATH '$' ) ) ) MATCH_RECOGNIZE( ORDER BY item_no MEASURES MATCH_NUMBER() AS elem_no, FIRST(starting_offset.item) AS starting_offset, FIRST(etype.item) AS etype, FIRST(interpretation.item) AS interpretation, NEXT(item) AS next_offset, FIRST(ordinates) AS ordinates PATTERN (starting_offset etype interpretation) DEFINE starting_offset AS 1 = 1 ) m WHERE (etype, interpretation) IN ((2, 1)) ) SELECT m.* FROM elements e CROSS JOIN LATERAL( SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE( e.ordinates, '$[*]' COLUMNS ( coord_no FOR ORDINALITY, coord NUMBER PATH '$' ) ) WHERE coord_no >= e.starting_offset AND (e.next_offset IS NULL OR coord_no < e.next_offset) ) MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( PARTITION BY line_id, elem_no ORDER BY coord_no MEASURES MATCH_NUMBER() AS coord_id, FIRST(x.coord) AS X, FIRST(y.coord) AS Y PATTERN (X Y) DEFINE X AS 1 = 1 ) m
Which both output:
LINE_ID ELEM_NO COORD_ID X Y 001 1 1 0 5 001 1 2 10 10 001 1 3 30 0 001 2 1 50 10 001 2 2 60 10
db<>fiddle here