enter image description hereI want to update the Paid column in Product when payment amount get inserted with respect to the product…
create table Product( PID INT primary key, Paid int not null default 0 , Total int not null ); create table payment( paymentid int primary key, productid int not null, amount int not null, foreign key (productid) references product(paid) ); (I am just using the dummy table to practice update using join) update product set product.paid=(pay.amount+pr.Paid) from-----> here I am getting error payment pay inner join product pr on pay.productid=pr.pid;
create table product( PID INT primary key, Paid int not null default 0 , Total int not null ); create table payment( paymentid int primary key, productid int not null, amount int not null, foreign key (productid) references product(paid) );
UPDATE product INNER JOIN payment ON product.PID = payment.productid SET product.Paid = (product.Total+payment.amount) WHERE product.PID = payment.productid
I test It now works fine. I hope It will work fine for you. Please let me know. If you still face same issue.Thanks. For more details. https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-update-join/