Given a table:
CustomerID InvoiceID ProductID Date Income
1 1234551 A 1/1/2015 300
1 1234552 A 1/2/2016 300
2 1234553 B 1/3/2016 500
3 1234554 C 1/4/2016 400
4 1234555 A 1/5/2015 300
4 1234555 B 1/5/2015 500
3 1234554 C 1/4/2016 400
3 1234556 A 1/8/2016 300
3 1234556 B 1/8/2016 500
2 1234553 A 1/3/2016 300
3 1234557 C 1/11/2016 400
4 1234561 D 1/12/2016 1200
5 1234565 S 1/13/2016 1800
6 1234569 A 1/14/2016 300
7 1234573 B 1/15/2016 500
8 1234577 C 1/16/2016 400
9 1234581 A 1/17/2016 300
10 1234585 C 1/18/2016 400
11 1234589 B 1/19/2015 500
12 1234593 C 1/20/2016 400
13 1234597 D 1/21/2016 1200
14 1234601 G 1/22/2016 700
15 1234605 A 2/23/2016 300
Question: For each product get the second customer who made a purchase
The following query
With cte_B
(select [ProductID],CustomersID,date
,DENSE_RANK() over (partition by [ProductID] order by date asc) AS Second_Customer
from Bright_Data
Select *
from cte_B
where Second_Customer = 2
Gives the result:
ProductID CustomersID date Second_Customer
A 4 2015-01-05 2
B 11 2015-01-19 2
C 3 2016-01-11 2
D 13 2016-01-21 2
And the expect result is:
ProductID CustomersID date Second_Customer
A 4 2015-01-05 2
B 11 2015-01-19 2
C **8** 2016-01-11 2
D 13 2016-01-21 2
Here is the script to create a table:
Create table Table_A
( CustomersID int NULL,
InvoiceID int NULL,
ProductID nvarchar(1) NULL,
[Date] date NULL,
Income int NULL )
insert into Table_A
You need to pair down the customers first so there is only one record per customer:
select bd.*
from (select customerId, productId, min(date) as first_date,
row_number() over (partition by productId order by min(date)) as seqnum
from bright_data bd
group by customerId, productId
) bd
where seqnum = 2;