I want pull out the date from second table. My second table may have a over 100 dates to a unique record(A,B,C). I have I first Table :
Name Count Data1
A 1 20190201
B 3 20190201
C 6 20190201
and the second table :
Name Date
A 20190101
B 20190203
A 20190102
B 20190103
C 20190305
C 20190809
A 20190304
B 20190405
I want to first table pull out the date first date from second table when date is bigger than the date1 from first table.
The result must be :
Name Count Data1 Date2
A 1 20190201 20190304
B 3 20190201 20190203
C 6 20190201 20190305
How to extract the date. It must be a procedure or another solution. Thanks for help 🙂
use join and min()
select t1.name,t1.data1,t1.count,min(t2.date) as date2
from table1 t1 join table2 t2
on t1.name=t2.name
and t1.date<t2.date
group by t1.name,t1.date,t1.count