I want to convert this sql code to firebird sql for find working days between two dates:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].fn_CountWeekDays ( @fromdate Datetime, @todate Datetime ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT (DATEDIFF(dd, @fromdate, @todate) + 1) -(DATEDIFF(wk, @fromdate, @todate) * 2) -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @fromdate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @todate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) As NoOfWeekDays )
Your current SQL Server function is a table-valued function (it returns a table), the closest equivalent in Firebird 3 (and earlier) would be a selectable stored procedure:
create or alter procedure CountWeekDays(fromdate timestamp, todate timestamp) returns (NoOfWeekDays bigint) as declare normalizedFrom timestamp; declare normalizedTo timestamp; begin normalizedFrom = dateadd(-1 * extract(weekday from fromdate) day to fromdate); normalizedTo = dateadd(-1 * extract(weekday from todate) day to todate); NoOfWeekDays = (DATEDIFF(day, fromdate, todate) + 1) -(DATEDIFF(week, normalizedFrom , normalizedTo) * 2) -(CASE WHEN extract(weekday from fromdate) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -(CASE WHEN extract(weekday from todate) = 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END); -- Suspend is necessary to make it selectable! suspend; end
The normalization of the to and from dates to Sunday for the week difference is necessary, as unfortunately for datediff(week ...)
Firebird doesn’t count the weeks, but periods of 7 days between two dates, so for example datediff(week, date'2017-07-14', date'2017-07-20')
(a Friday to the next Thursday) is 0, not 1. Normalizing to the Sunday of the week will ensure that the week difference is calculated correctly.
One word of warning: I have only tested this with a (small) selection of dates and compared it to the output of the SQL Server function, and I have not tested with a time component, you might want to verify it more thoroughly.
Given the nature of the data, you could also have used a scalar function in SQL Server. The equivalent of a scalar function would be a PSQL function (which was introduced in Firebird 3)
create or alter function fn_CountWeekDays(fromdate timestamp, todate timestamp) returns bigint as declare normalizedFrom timestamp; declare normalizedTo timestamp; begin normalizedFrom = dateadd(-1 * extract(weekday from fromdate) day to fromdate); normalizedTo = dateadd(-1 * extract(weekday from todate) day to todate); return (DATEDIFF(day, fromdate, todate) + 1) -(DATEDIFF(week, normalizedFrom , normalizedTo) * 2) -(CASE WHEN extract(weekday from fromdate) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -(CASE WHEN extract(weekday from todate) = 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END); end