I have three tables called branch,employee and manager structured like this
Table: branch CREATE TABLE branch ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, name FLOAT, city VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, postal_code VARCHAR, street VARCHAR, street_number VARCHAR ); Table: employee CREATE TABLE employee ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, surname VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, branch_id INTEGER REFERENCES BRANCH (ID), city VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, street VARCHAR, street_number VARCHAR, phone VARCHAR, mobile VARCHAR, vat VARCHAR, amka VARCHAR, at VARCHAR ); Table: manager CREATE TABLE manager ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, employee_id INTEGER REFERENCES employee (id) UNIQUE NOT NULL );
I want to view the id of each manager and the count of the employees he has under his supervision like this
Manager Number of employees 1 5 2 13
I have made this so far that shows which branch each manager works on but i don’t know how to proceed with the counting.
SELECT manager.id AS [Manager id], employee.name AS [Manager name], branch.name AS [Branch name], branch.id AS [Branch id] FROM ( ( manager INNER JOIN employee ON manager.employee_id = employee.id ) INNER JOIN branch ON employee.branch_id = branch.id );
The solution i have in mind is first find in which branch each manager is working and then count all the employees of that branch minus one ( the manager). The problem is i don’t know how to exactly express it in sql.
Since each branch can only have one manager, you can count the number of employees in a branch and then join the manager to their branch. From there you can count the number of employees in each branch.
SELECT manager.id AS manager_id, manager_employee.name AS manager_name, COUNT(employee.id) - 1 AS employee_count FROM manager INNER JOIN employee AS manager_employee ON manager.employee_id = manager_employee.id INNER JOIN branch ON manager_employee.branch_id = branch.id INNER JOIN employee ON branch.id = employee.branch_id GROUP BY manager.id, manager_employee.name