- Invoice (InvoiceNo, CustID, OutletID, Date) PK(InvoiceNO)
- InvoiceItems (InvoiceNo, ItemID, Quantity, Discount) PK(InvoiceNO,ItemID)
PLz tell me solution of Above mention Query using nested Method Using these Two tables structure. I am unable to solve it.
This should do the trick.
Select i1.CustID, i2.CustID From (Select InvoiceNo,count(*) as nb From InvoiceItems Group by InvoiceNo) as a, (Select InvoiceNo,count(*) as nb From InvoiceItems Group by InvoiceNo) as b, Invoice as i1, Invoice as i2 Where a.InvoiceNo = i1.InvoiceNo and b.InvoiceNo = i2.InvoiceNo and a.InvoiceNo < b.InvoiceNo and a.nb = b.nb;