I have a table with name and grades for some users
CREATE TABLE grades (name varchar(100), grade integer); insert into grades values ('Bob', 12), ('Bob', 13), ('Bob', 23), ('Bob', 17), ('James', 15), ('James', 27), ('Nick ', 18), ('Nick ', 16), ('Nick ', 22), ('Nick ', 32), ('Nick ', 19);
I want an output table grouped by the name, along with the average grade and the nth lowest value for each name.
I tried to use window function nth_value() but I get an error when I try to execute the query (n = 2 here)
select name, avg(grade), nth_value(grade, 2) over(partition by name order by grade Range BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) from grades group by name;
Error(s), warning(s):
42803: column “grades.grade” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
What is the correct way of writing such a query?
Starting from your current attempt, a simple option uses a window average and distinct
select distinct name, avg(grade) over(partition by name) avg_grade, nth_value(grade, 2) over( partition by name order by grade range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) grade_n2 from grades;
Alternatively, you can rank grades in a subquery, and use conditional aggregation in the outer query:
select name, avg(grade) avg_grade, max(grade) filter(where rn = 2) grade_n2 from ( select g.*, row_number() over(partition by name order by grade) rn from grades g ) g group by name;