I have a table with 2 columns:
with values: 0 or 1id
with unique identifiers
with cte(val, id) as (
select 0, 0 union all
select 1, 1 union all
select 1, 2 union all
select 0, 3 union all
select 1, 4 union all
select 1, 5 union all
select 1, 6 union all
select 1, 7 union all
select 1, 8 union all
select 1, 9 union all
select 1, 10
select *
into #tmp
from cte
How do I to find id with 6 values = 1 in a row.
In the example above: id = 9, id = 10.
It is desirable not to use loops (cursors or while), but something like sum(...) over(...)
You can use running sum over a window frame that contains exactly 6 rows (5 prior plus current row):
with cte as (
select *, sum(val) over (
order by id
rows between 5 preceding and current row
) as rsum
from #tmp
select *
from cte
where rsum = 6
Adjust the size of the window and where clause to match the desired value.