I ran into a small issue with a order I am trying to do and not sure if there is a solution to what I am trying to accomplish. I have the following table created… CustomerID is PK and I can’t change the numbers around.
Customer ID ProductID State
1 100 Alaska
2 100 California
3 100 North Carolina
4 100 South Carolina
5 101 Alabama
6 101 Virginia
7 101 Michigan
8 103 Hawaii
9 103 Kansas
10 103 Montana
The goal is to get the table to look like this:
1 100 Alaska
2 100 California
11 100 Delaware
3 100 North Carolina
4 100 South Carolina
5 101 Alabama
6 101 Virginia
7 101 Michigan
8 103 Hawaii
9 103 Kansas
10 103 Montana
The first part of what I’m trying to accomplish is adding the following record/row/entry (seen here)
11 100 Delaware
I was successfully able to add the row using INSERT INTO. The next task I wanted to accomplish was sorting (ORDER BY) the table by ProductID AND State. As you can see I am trying to move that new row to the new position as seen above.
As of now I have tried:
ORDER BY ProductID, State ASC;
My table looks like this
1 100 Alaska
2 100 California
11 100 Delaware
3 100 North Carolina
4 100 South Carolina
5 101 Alabama
7 101 Michigan
6 101 Virginia
8 103 Hawaii
9 103 Kansas
10 103 Montana
This changes the order of customer ID 5,6,7 which I am trying to avoid.
I tried to create a CASE but had no luck and wasn’t able to “double sort” (error because my first 2 columns are int and can’t compare to my 3rd column)
Any recommendations? Advice? Is what I’m trying to accomplish even possible?
Probably this is what you are after?
select *
from t
order by productId, case when productId=100 then state end,